May 8, 2024
Bug Fixes
- SAP Report will no longer pull in students that were not enrolled in courses for selected term.
- Header on active report now is labeled Attendance Hours Ratio to represent cumulative attendance hours earned.
- Credit Hour Report columns now will display correctly for hours earned, Hours attempted and FA Hours.
- Term order is now ascending instead of descending for posting transactions.
- NSLDS report now updating with most recent status.
- Missing Attendance report can be pulled up to 30 days.
- Past Due Report will save search after entering a comment.
- Now able to delete from Aging report.
- When duplicate leads are merged the record will update with Primary Program of interest for most recent request.
New Features
- Registrar Role can now access and work ‘Enrollments by Student’ page.
- Credit Hours Earned will now show on Active report.
- Award letter will now show admissions rep, Fa rep, FAC rep without having to open the edit screen.
- SSN added to the Master report.
- Users can now search for Gradebooks by inputting a start date.
- Payment plans can now be edited and updated.
- Following roles can now input and edit Medical Records-Program Director, Program Assistant, Career Manager, Career Services.
- Notes on transfer credits will now show on transcript.
Credit Hours Earned will now show on Active report
Notes on transfer credits will now show on transcript